Welcome The Future of Learning

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Teach Learn Grow

Meet our Teachers

We have recruited accredited Teachers and educationalists who loves learning and most importantly love your child.


Your child will be cared for and challenged to expand in capacity to go deeper into learning.

In essence we make them think forward.

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The future is here

The love of learning is a love of life. It is future focused, but presently rooted in developing both cognitive and character issues. We must challenge both.

Because the future of learning is built on foundations of morality that help the mind explode into opportunity -not self destruct from it.

Moving Forward

Moving forward is also forward moving. It is interchangeable. We want our pupils to embrace modern learning meaning questioning resolving learning to communicate dialogue.
At Montrose- moving forward means thinking forward and looking forward.
We look forward to welcoming in your most precious assets.

Our sports desk

A healthy competitive life style, especially with our weather and open environment is essential. Navigating the future of sports and interaction requires both at home and outdoor solutions. We understand a healthy environment. And this cannot be supplemented on a mobile device. We must be mobile.

Join our online learning programs

The future is here. Start today to re-engineer your child’s imagination and love of learning. Our online platform moves forward with the best of pupil and parent programs to better learning.

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    Meet our Infant class

    Their minds are ready to move to bigger expressions of logic, thought and process. The nurturing continues and it is critical that values be reinforced as part of this early learning experience. Building an inate sense of well-being and value is as important as the education itself.

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    Meet our ECD class

    They are so ready to learn. We are so ready to nurture them. Online learning must be subsidized by people to people interaction. Going forward we all need to be creative and healthy. That’s why you should check out our hybrid program.

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    Meet the Principal

    Old fashioned values hold wisdom in place. Moving forward helps us embrace the future, without letting go of what matters at the core. At Montrose House, the love of learning is a love of life. Our pupils will get the latest in online learning programs and the nurture of academics, teachers and a school committed to moving forward.

    Meet our Junior class

    Accelerating learning becomes prime. Adding to this is foundational study and memory technics to foster great learning habits. It is also a time of challenging boundaries – both positive in-terms of learning and behavioral in-terms of temperament. Our goal is to push for positive benchmarks.

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